Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Spontaneous Trip to Philly...

Hey everyone, I posted this on my own blog, but I think I will start posted them here as well. I am trying to get caught up.

Highlights of our Trip:

Independence Hall

Benjamin Franklin Park

(Lainey and Hudson couldn't get enough of the teeter totter. Bless these little Asian girls that kept it going until we FINALLY pulled them off!)

Liberty Bell

Feeding the Birds

Swimming which is ALL Hudson could talk about.


Hudson just couldn't stand that Mater was parked right across the street from us the whole time we were there. We HAD to get a picture.

(can't you just see the love in his face)

Chinese Cuisine in Chinatown

A Little Reese's Love
(don't think I haven't eaten 5 Reese's Eggs since Sunday)

And who can't go to Philly without a little ROCKY action, camo style!!

We loved our was quick but a lot of fun. Time is winding down here in Pittsburgh. Only one year left- well I guess it could be three more after that... (deep sigh). Regardless, we have to take advantage of every minute.

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