Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from all of us in Pittsburgh! We had a great time. Here is Hudson as the mummy- he was very scary of course. Tate was a dinosaur- I had to improve and make his costume the day of the party because he would NOT be the spooky wa-wa. (The big bad wolf). I was actually pretty mad at him because that is probably my favorite costume of all time, but he just would not have anything to do with the fur hood. And then I spent all day making the dinosaur and he still threw a fit and didn't want to wear it. I almost lost my mind. And Luke is of course the little lion. We tried the costume on him the night before the party and honestly he started this screaming/growling sound that has been progressively getting worse. He was screaming non stop at Stake Conference today- making this unbelievable screeching noise that was disrupting everyone around us. Of course they were laughing, but I definitely was not. But he is cute none the less.

Anyway, we love and miss you all.

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