Sunday, July 24, 2011

Precious Times

When you've lived as long as I have you begin and I mean you begin to understand and recognize significant moments as they happen. I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 10 days of events as we have been together as a family. I am going to take this blog and begin to make it a journal of sorts to record some of those significant moments. As everyone can tell, we have let this blog go to the back burner and sit. Well it's time to update and stay updated. Each of us has the time to once a quarter (3 months) sit down and write. It's not that big of a sacrifice and it will bare fruit. I appreciate your help with the ward camp out. It was fun to share you with the rest of our ward. It was just like old times feeding the masses. You all give us such joy and happiness as we watch you begin to build your families. (jones, lets get moving on this) I appreciate mom and all her planning and hard work. I don't know if I have ever had that much fun. Camping, it took most of the horse trailer to fit it all in and Boating, Fishing, Skiing, Paintball, I was disappointed that no BATTLEDOME commenced but other than that we pretty much covered all the bases. I was a little concerned that we had 2 concussions by the end of day 1. I didn't know we had inherited a pro wake boarder in Redge. It was fun to watch him until he got slapped to the water. The grankids have such distinct personalities not indifferent from all of you. It was fun to watch Porter and Hudson get up on water skis and watch the kids catch their fish. I know how tough it is to raise kids. Just look at the hair I don't have. I will say it is better as a grampa on the next go around. You kids really do have that to look forward to. It is a riot. The Lord was right (as usual) when He told Adam and Eve that their greatest joys would come from rejoicing in there posterity. I must say it helps immensely to have kids that want to do the Lord's will. The Lord knows best and He can do so much more with our lives than we can. You teachable............and listen.
Yesterday was a RED LETTER DAY!!!! Rich graduated from BYUI and he finished in regular Richard Fashion. The Last 4 or 6? semesters were 4.0 Great job Rich. The last one 19 hrs of classes and working as Liquid Production Manager @ Pharmgrade. (He produced almost 300,000 gallon of product). Next year we'll be shooting for 1,000,000 gallon. All I can say is thanks everyone for all of your hard work. Every one of you have a university degree. WOW. That's a BIG deal.
It's been interesting living in this apartment for these years. We have been waiting first to sell the house and now to see if this real estate market is going to go up or down before we jump into another house. By the way it is getting real old. But it has been interesting, our wants and needs have changed. I've done the get married live in a rental thing, I've done the starter home with 5 kids in 2 bedrooms thing and I've done the big house on the hill thing. It was nice but now I'm thinking a cottage by the river thing. Mom says we have to have a big barn (lodge) with a big family room and a big loft to sleep in. I agree............... It's time to get to work on it. I guess the economy will do what it will do. The key is not to over extend yourself.
We love you all dearly. You make our lives full and full of joy. May the Lord Bless You. Grampa T.

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