Sunday, July 20, 2008

Stories of Grandpa Condie

Yesterday when we were fishing at Henrys Lake which by the way was another good day of fishing. We caught our limit by 11 o'clock. Richard caught a five pounder and we had two more big ones and the rest were nice fish. Anyway we took Richard back up to the Bennions cabin and went in to visit everyone for a while. We stayed for lunch and while we were there Rex came over and started telling us stories about Grandpa so I thought you would all like to hear them.

He said that one day they were duck hunting and had set the blind all up on a river. They were waiting for this duck to come in and as soon as he got close enough they let him have it. There was lot's of shooting then they heard this guy across from them on the river start yelling and waving. They didn't know why so they went over there and found out that a bb from their guns had gone through the side of his glasses and lodged into his eyelid. They didn't even know that a guy was over there.

He then told us of the time they tried to "borrow" some watermelons out of this watermelon patch. He said that they filled their arms with as many as they could carry and took them to the edge of the patch and went to go get the car to get them out of there. They got in the car and turned it on and they heard this big loud bam. Grandpa had his arm out the window so his elbow was showing. The guy had shot at them with the shotgun and bb's lodged all the way up Rex's car and Grandpa got bb's in his elbow. They took off to the hospital to get the bb's out of grandpa's arm and while they were there a cop approached them and asked them how he got hurt. He said that Grandpa made up a story about rabbit hunting and the cop believed them.
(Tyler, I wonder if the pumpkin incident had anything to do with Heredity!)

The last story was about a time they were rabbit hunting and a phesant jumped up. It wasn't phesant hunting but Grandpa just couldn't resist. They took the phesant and put it in the hubcap. Little did they know but a game warden was watching them through binoculars. He came over and asked them how they were doing and had a nice conversation. He asked if they had shot any birds and they said no. He said let's look in that hubcap there. He found it and took their guns! It took Great Grandpa Condie 7 months to get their guns back even with a lawyer.

We love you all and have a great time with all of you in the last month. Joni did get to Den Haag and is having a little shock but she will make it. Everyone keep her in your prayers.

Love MOM
I would post some pictures but I forgot how and I lost my last post so I am just sending it and will try to send pictures latter!

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