Sunday, March 9, 2008

I am not a fan of daylight saving: I think Mom would agree with me on this one.

Hi family,
So it seems that I start every blog with an embarrassing story. Well, I have one for you. Today, I had to lead in Relief Society and I thought is was not going to be a big deal. I get up there to start it says its 4/4 time and so I start and the piano player is going really fast. And I start and I'm doing ok but then it all fell apart and everyone was laughing and I was bright red. People were trying to help me by doing it in there seat and by that time I was so flustered I just decided to do a little dance. It was pretty funny. So I thought about it and probably the last time I had lead the music was FHE at the red house which was a really really long time ago. So you better practice up because you never know when you will be called on to do so.

California is beautiful right now. It's Spring and so the flowers are coming out and you want to go on bike rides all day long. I have yet to be able to go on one of these bike rides but it's that kind of weather, happiness and sunshine. Tanis comes in just one week and I think it will be a good break from the grayness of Pitt. Tim, we will send home picture for you so that you can imagine that you are here, wish you could come too.

School has been crazy. We have finals this next week and then I only have one more semester of Grad school. I can't believe how the time has flown by. It seems like yesterday that I moved here but at the same time I look back and so many things have happened. These last couple of weeks have been insane and the only way that I am able to keep my cool is through faith in Jesus Christ. The kind of faith that brings down the powers of heaven to assist you in any and everything that you are doing. Tanis and I are re-reading the book: Bringing down the powers of heaven- actually I don't know if that is the title exactly but it is really good. So I am learning a lot about faith and I think that is the only way that I am sustaining my schedule and everything that I am doing right now.

Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. I went to the Pistons- Clippers game and the best part about it was the halftime entertainment which was this amazing lady that balanced bowls on her head whilst riding a unicycle. And Kels and some of my friends from Utah come in town too. That's about it. I'll try to post more often. Love you all and I get to see some of you in the next couple of weeks and I can barely stand it!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. Porter, get ready to play your brains out.

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