Sunday, January 27, 2008


For those of you who haven't heard the news as of yet, our dear sweet prophet President Hinckley passed away just a few hours ago. I received the news almost simeltaneously from a dear friend and my sister. I will miss President Hinckley. You hear people talk about how so and so is "their"prophet-the prophet from their generation, well President Hinckley was "my" prophet. I know without doubt that he was indeed the true and living prophet here on the earth as he served faithfully in all of his capacity. I had the chance 10 years back to meet him, and talk with him. I will never forget that experience. I will never forget the power that man had-I will never forget the undeniable spirit that filled the room as we sang, "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet". I couldn't possibly forget that. The news came and so did the tears, although with mixed feelings. I will miss President Hinckley-yes, I am devastated but at the same time I was filled with so much joy knowing that he is with his sweet wife now and how he missed her. Not only is he with his wife but he is with all those whom he had served in the church who have already passed and they have a great work to do on the other side. I know that the Lord welcomed him through and what a joy it is to know that this gospel is true and that the work that he did in his life-his whole life is true and he served faithfully. I hope that we can serve, Tyler and I as faithfully as him so that we know that we have made it when we cross the veil. We love you President Hinckley.


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