Saturday, February 9, 2008

Another Cut and Paste

So I've been going kind of crazy posting on my own blog but always neglect this one-although it doesn't look that way considering I am the only one that has posted in like 2 weeks besides Joni and wait, I have like 5 posts...I promise this is the last post, but it was too cute...these pictures are too cute of my dear children. So here is another cut and paste from the Tuttle Archives...

This morning we took another outing to the zoo! Our second time in just 6 days-I know, a little much but we have a membership and it is starting to get really nice outside so I want to take advantage of that! Plus-I need to get out of the house atleast once a day or things get a little crazy for us. So, we went with some friends this morning and the weather was great-a little cooler around 60 degrees but the sun was shining and it felt warmer to us. I really need to take a photography class to figure out how to take a really great picture, but while I was snapping shots I snapped a few of the kids together and realized what a love Porter and Claire have for each other. The Love Between A Brother and Sister-that is what the title of these photos should be. Even though at times Claire gets a little fiesty with her personal space (or when Porter is COMPLETELY invading that space) and screams, it is moments like this when they laugh and play together that it makes it worth it.

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