Monday, February 4, 2008


So I posted this on my personal blog-and just had to share it with you! I am a believer in Sheets! Mom and Dad, we were going to buy you some for Xmas but then the microwave idea surfaced, but now I am thinking you would have LOVED these!

Okay, who knew that sheets could determine if you ever get out of bed or not? Example: Saturday morning the kids woke up really early-both Tyler and I had been up late the night before watching movies together and so we just decided to stay in bed as long as possible...why? Our sheets. Back in December I got a call from my sweet sister that told me these sheets were on super clearance at Yes, I am giving that site a little bit of a plug, but seriously-our sheets! So, I bought $500 dollar sheet for something like $79.00 for our King Bed! They are the best money I've spent in a long time. Who knew that sheets could make such a difference? They are something like 1000 thread count-which I never really understood before, until once again-until I laid in these sheets-they suck you in and don't spit you back out. So Saturday morning, while the kids watched cartoons and ate breakfast, where were we? Still in our sheets. It almost puts you into a coma-tost state (yes, no clue how to spell that). So where were we at 10am? In our sheets. Sunday morning came around and knowing that church was early, I knew we had to get out of the sheets. I stayed in as long as possible and could barely drag myself out-but finally I flung the sheets off in one swoop and jumped out! I had escaped. Tyler and I laughed about it this morning-as we did what? Laid there in our sheets trying to get out-and agreed that yes, once you are out you are out and fine, but there is a slim chance that once you climb in that you will climb out-and chances are these sheets could potentially make us, and anyone late for anything they have going on. Sheets. What a beautiful thing!

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