Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Get Well Soon"

Well, I was actually getting on here to write a cheesy "Get Well Soon" note to you Mom, but I know that Tyler would gag at the thought of anything cheesy-but we do want to say that we love you and hope that your spirits are lifted and you get better soon. However, I would have to agree with Joni. You are definitely not Frankenstein and I also agree that it is NOT as bad as you were describing it on the phone. You still look beautiful and just like you said, when the stitches heal you can just cover it with make-up until it heals all the way! Easy as pie, right? We are just glad that you are okay, and not dying of cancer. That just scares us. I am counting on you being around forever since my parents are starting to get scar or no scar we are happy to have you. Your eyes don't look bad at all in those pictures! Your black eye must have gone away really fast, or you have great make-up on. Don't worry, we won't kringe (once again, Marci I am with you on the spell check thing). We are just excited to be with you guys for Christmas!

Anyways, we are just here...ALL DAY LONG, if you need someone to talk to- any of you actually. Claire has double ear infections and a rash and Porter has been throwing up for about what....15 hours now? I think he has strep, because I KNOW I have it, but I can deal with it right? So, we are home bound. Except for I did get a HUGE order for BOWS! YEAH! I was excited and scared at the same time. Hopefully they will like them. So, I have to ship them out today, so I better run to go and finish them up! Love you all and can't wait to see you!

Love, Ty Erica Porter and Claire

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