We had quite the intelligent Sunday yesterday-from who? Porter of course! Sacrament meeting was quite the milestone for us! Claire sat through ALMOST the whole entire thing-we actually are getting this under control people! I had to take her out the last 10 minutes-and it wasn't even because she was being "bad" but she was talking so loud, even with the binki in that she was disrupting this woman's testimony-so I opted out of it! Not only did we reach a Sacrament Meeting milestone-Claire went to nursery BY HERSELF WITHOUT FREAKING OUT! I guess that most of you don't understand the joy that brings-Tanis, you soon will. I haven't been able to attend Sunday School and Tyler hasn't attended Priesthood for the past what...atleast six months! We trade off with Claire-sitting with her in nursery, but we are FREE! It was so wonderful to actually attend my meetings! Oh, how I loved it. Young Women's is always great though-so atleast I have been taking full advantage of that! I learn so much from those lessons-sometimes I think that they are geared more toward adults than youth-which is great for me! I love my girls and I love teaching them and being with them...but now I get to go to Sunday School! Can you feel the excitement people? Anyways, yesterday while I took Claire out of Sacrament meeting Porter had a moment. Tyler said that he was started to get a little "rialed" up (yes Marci, I too wish that I had spell check-or knew how to use it!). Then all of a sudden he stopped..."Dad, did you know that this bench is made out of molecules?" WHAT???!!!??? He noticed all of the different colors in the bench-blues, pinks, all put together. He had a moment and then went on to give Tyler a lesson about molecules and how everything is made of molecules and the different speeds they move make them solids etc. Then at the end of church we found him in the gym by himself writing on the chalkboard different words-granted they weren't HUGE words, but DAD, MOM, PORTER, HAT....what a kid! We love him-can you tell we are proud? I should say pleased! The joys of parenthood! They finally catch onto the things that you are trying to teach them...the day came to an end with his revelation at the dinner table-kind of like Tyler freaking out about what the o-zone layer? He was sitting in his chair across from me and he was sitting really still. He said, "Mom and Dad, did you know that if our planet was huge that we couldn't move at all and if it was tiny we could jump super high?" I was so confused and I still am, so I might have written it wrong but he was explaining the principle that gravitational force is proportionate to the size of the body/planet??? Still confused here! Really-I need Ty to explain it to me again!
We ended the night with a fun project that was SUPPOSED to be for tonight's FHE...but Porter couldn't wait! I bought him a 10 dollar gingerbread kit from Costco and him and I put it together for like 2 hours last night! It was a BLAST. He kept thanking me for buying it for him! He has always wanted to do one and so when I saw it on Saturday I had to buy it! We had so much fun and so I've posted pictures of him with his house. He did all of the decorations himself-no help! I was so proud of him. He is growing up and sometimes acts like the biggest adult. He is so much fun and we just adore him! Enjoy the pics and wish you all were here to have a taste of it.
We love you all and can't wait for Christmas...only a few more weeks. Pray for me this week if you will for this ward Christmas Party...I am doing all the decorations by myself and wish you all were here to give your ideas. I am not the greatest at this, but I will try my best!
Until next time!!!!
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