Thursday, December 6, 2007


Okay, so I know that this is my third post in what 24 hours? Well, I guess I am on a blogging high right now-or a spray paint high...I have seriously been in my garage for the past two days "flocking" these real greens that I got from Home Depot and Lowe's for the Christmas Party-they look beautiful but my brain is spinning and is taking the fall-I guess my garage isn't "well" ventilated. Anyway-I had to come and post about my LOVE for insurance-because for SOOOOO long we haven't really had great insurance, or no insurance at all! So atleast once each year, I have a "Lehman Girls" meltdown moment where I think that I am dying from something rare, or something common, but I am dying just the same. One year it was blood clots in my legs, one year it was a brain tumor, and this year it just happened to be something with my heart-still don't know what is wrong so the verdict of me dying is still out-Thyroid Cancer-that is still a possibility-I really do need to go to the doctor, but anyways, we got this "THIS IS NOT A BILL" in the mail, my heart was pounding to see that my short stay in the emergency room a few weeks back totaled $3,500!!!! I have been holding my breath now for a week or so since I got that notice. What in the world! I did have some extensive tests and blood work, but $3500? That exceeds the highest out of pocket expense to the emergency room by us so far-that was set at just under $2000 for my "brain tumor"...yes, we were SOOOOOOOO poor, so I think that about killed us-so we ate what ramen for a month? Or more than a month? I still cry when I think of how we struggled through MBA school-but it was for the best. Well, anyways, I was holding my breath until today-when we got THE BILL in the mail! I was panicking when I was opening the envelope-I opened it and closed my eyes and just dreaded that it was going to say that we had to pay it all in full-because come to find out I went to the Mayo Emergency Room-you know Mayo Clinic and I guess that for certain things-or most things you have to have special MAYO INSURANCE or you pay out of pocket-when I could have driven 10 minutes and been assured that I wouldn't have to pay it, but I was unsure up until today. I read through it and it took me a minute. Total cost $3564.00 and patient responsibility......$50.00!!!! Thank heavens, seriously-what a blessing it is for insurance to know that ok, that is a GREAT co-pay and that we don't have to shell out of savings for nothing. I feel sooo blessed for Tyler and how much he does for me and the kids and how hard he works for us-that through him we do have great insurance and my kids can go for well check-ups and get the medical attention that they need when they need it. Porter used to go for weeks sick because we couldn't afford to go to the doctor. I just cry to think of him sick like that. He was sick so often. I am soooo grateful for good doctors, for good husbands to work so hard and for good insurance...what a weight off of my shoulders to know that not only I am taken care of but my children-that is the most important thing. Life is GRAND...and I have a thankful heart!

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